Getting over a hookup can be a difficult process, and there are multiple approaches you can take to make it easier. Make sure to give yourself enough time to process and grieve the end of the relationship. Don’t try to move on too quickly, as this can be detrimental in the long run.
It might be helpful to talk to someone about how you’re feeling. You don’t have to spill all the gritty details, but it can be therapeutic to have an objective opinion on the issue. Reach out to a friend, family member or therapist to get help in dealing with the emotions the breakup brings up.
Do something for yourself to take your mind off of the breakup. Whether it’s taking up a new hobby, changing your hair or going away on a weekend getaway, spending time doing something for you can be a stress reliever.
Work on creating healthy boundaries. Sometimes when a hookup ends, it can be tough to separate the good memories from the bad. Take the time to create an emotional barrier between the two of you. Understand that it’s ok to have feelings and that it’s natural to have moments when everything comes flooding back.
When it comes to getting over a hookup, the most important thing to remember is to be kind to yourself. Be as gentle as possible with yourself and take the time to understand your feelings and express them in constructive ways. It is a process and it may take some time, but with the right attitude and support, it does get easier.
Why You Should Stop Feeling Guilty?

Guilt can be a powerful emotion, and it can cause a range of psychological and physical symptoms. Avoiding guilt by absolving responsibility for a problem is a quick and easy way to move on from an uncomfortable circumstance. But this isn’t healthy; accepting responsibility and owning up to your mistakes can help you learn and give you a better sense of closure.
The best way to dispel guilt is to do a cost-benefit analysis of the situation. Weighting the benefits of your actions against the costs of the harm caused gives you a better perspective on the situation. Are the risks of your actions outweighing the benefits? Or are you taking too much responsibility for something that wasn’t your fault? Asking yourself hard-hitting questions can help you figure out the truth and make an informed decision.
Identifying Unhealthy Emotional Patterns
Aside from a cost-benefit analysis, it’s important to talk to a trusted friend, family member, or therapist to gain external perspective. It’s easy to get stuck in a guilt spiral and become overwhelmed by emotions. Alternatively, talking to someone who is emotionally removed from the situation can help you gain clarity and focus on the important facts.
Practicing self-forgiveness can be difficult. Recognizing that mistakes or transgressions were made does not equate to worthiness. You can learn from your mistakes while recognizing that your mistakes don’t define you.
When you break free from the shackles of guilt, it can empower you to take responsibility and recognize that you have the potential to do good. Remind yourself that bad behavior or mistakes can be lessons on how you can do better in the future. Instead of beating yourself up, forgive yourself and strive for improvement.
Reducing guilt can be difficult, but it can be achieved. Focus on the positives and the potential for future growth. Stop rehashing mistakes, and start empowering yourself to make positive changes.

How to Stop Obsessing Over the Person You Hooked Up With?
It’s frighteningly easy to become infatuated with someone when all you know is the physical side of them. But obsessing over someone you only recently hooked up with can be dangerous. Nobody likes obsessing over someone, so it can be helpful to create space between you and the other person, reorient your focus, and communicate honestly and openly.
Start by finding a balance. It can be difficult for some people to resist the urge to call or text the person they’re interested in. The reality is that the two of you may not have the same level of interest in each other. Sporadic contact might keep the spark alive, but it’s also important to remember that the other person is not a priority in your life.
Redirecting Energy and Attention to Yourself
Think of other things that bring you joy and fulfilment. If you’re solely focused on the person you hooked up with, you’re not accounting for any other areas of your life that could offer a sense of purpose and satisfaction. Rekindle old passions, start new ones, and remind yourself of all the unique qualities that make you special.
Be upfront about your feelings and expectations. Hookups can be confusing, and communication is key. Talk to the other person about how you feel, what you want out of the situation, and make sure your needs are being met. Be honest and direct but also remember that expectations are two-way.
Seek support from trusted family and friends. If you need to talk to someone about your feelings and how to move forward, do so with the friends who value your wellbeing and can keep you accountable. That said, it’s important to remember that ultimately, it’s your decision to make.
It’s normal to experience a range of emotions when it comes to relationships, but getting stuck in a cycle of obsessive thoughts isn’t healthy. Create space, focus on other aspects of your life, be upfront about your needs, and have conversations with people who have your best interests in mind. That way, you can clear your mind and move on from casual hookups without becoming overly attached.